Board Meeting – The Board held the monthly meeting on November 16, 2015 at the John Cederberg residence. Chairman Larsen called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. Board members in attendance, DeLoyd Larsen, Dayle Williamson, Sharron Goings, John Cederberg, Bev Morton, Dick Dam, Daryl Swanson, Bob Sittig, Jenny Tricker and Cynthia Didion. Others attending, Fern Taylor, a resident from Thies Cove and her son, Tom Taylor. 

Welcome: Chairman Larsen welcomed the Taylors and expressed condolences of the loss of husband and father, Bill Taylor. Mrs. Taylor said Bill’s passing was the reason she asked to meet with the board. She explained the family had received memorial funding recognizing Bill’s contributions during his long life and the family would like to utilize the fund to place an all concrete Legacy Bench in his memory in the island area. Fern Taylor said her husband fully enjoyed sitting outside and enjoying watching neighbors and others as they would come and go. Placing a bench in the area would afford others an opportunity to enjoy the neighborhood. Mrs. Taylor also suggested when certain trees in the area need to be removed and replaced, she would recommend a Japanese tree, Katsura, as a beautiful, long lived tree to continue to add to the memorial. The Board expressed their sincere appreciation to Mrs. Taylor for presenting the request and there was a motion by Bev Morton and a second by Dick Dam to approve the placing of the Legacy Bench and provide assistance in locating the actual place to locate the 710 pound concrete bench with an adequate base. Motion carried. 

Minutes: The minutes of the October 19, 2015 Board meeting were reviewed. There was a motion by Daryl Swanson and second by Bev Morton to approve the October board minutes as circulated. Motion carried. (Minutes are also posted on the web site) 

Website and e-mail update – Several suggestions were made to update information on the website. Bev Morton will provide the changes to Donald Bossung. 

Sharron Goings reported that remarkable progress has been made in securing e-mail addresses from Association members. At the Association annual meeting in June, Ben and Karen Pickett volunteered to make personal contacts with residents to request e-mail addresses that we don’t have. They have personally contacted some seventy-five homeowners As a result of their work, our e-mail data list is nearly complete, helping the Association save substantial printing and mailing costs. A special thanks to Ben and Karen Pickett for their extraordinary volunteer service to assist in making our communication with all residents more timely and cost-effective. 

The Association intends to maintain the confidentiality of e-mail addresses. The roster of residents that is distributed to the members at each annual meeting, and is also available by e-mail from the Treasurer, will not include e-mail addresses, and group e-mails will not reveal the e-mail addresses of other residents. The Board will use the e-mail addresses solely to distribute these minutes of the monthly Board of Directors’ meetings, and for special communications to the residents, such as news about snow removal, changes in the trash or recycling collection schedule, changes to the mowing schedule, or similar items of interest to residents. 

E-mails allow the Association almost instant communication of schedule changes, etc. that are not practical by regular mail. If you have an e-mail address but have not provided it to the Association, please send it to Dayle Williamson, Board Secretary, at so that you can be included in all of our Association communications. 

Minutes of the monthly Board of Directors’ meetings will also be posted on our Homeowners’ Association web site at . 

Treasurer’s report – Annual Account – October regular expenditures were $7,205.58. John Cederberg explained the December Annual Account will reflect changes to separately list funding for two capital improvement projects, the fence adjacent to Old Cheney and the trees that were planted. 

Townhouse Account – Expenditures for October were $4,273.80. To-date, 88% of the budgeted income has been received and 76% of the funds have been expended. A certificate of deposit in the amount of $15,000 is maturing and it will be renewed for a 20 month period. There was a motion by Cynthia Didion and a second by Jenny Tricker to approve the October Treasurer’s report. Motion carried. 

Bills received prior to the November meeting amounted to $11,649.81. The townhouse bills were $10,321.15 and the annual account bills were $1,321.15. There was a motion by Bev Morton and a second by Cynthia Didipon to authorize payment of the bills. Motion carried. 

Hospitality – Hospitality members Bev Morton, Bob Sittig and Jenny Tricker along with other board members take the opportunity to call on new residents in the neighborhood soon after arrival. The printed information the hospitality group provided in past (Covenants, By-laws, etc.) to new residents is now on the website at and will not be provided in hard copy. The resident roster will not be posted on the website. Anyone desiring a copy of the roster of members (e-mail addresses are not included as noted above) can request a copy from the Treasurer and it will be sent by e-mail. Our board members look forward to meeting new residents and answering questions you may have. 

Commons area – Tree removal and trimming for the year has been completed. Construction of the 600 foot fence, with boards facing the street, along the commons area adjacent to Old Cheney is underway. Plans for continued work in the commons area will be made over the winter months. 

Irrigation system – The irrigation system has been drained for the winter. A large cost overrun for the irrigation system was experienced this year. One of the unanticipated costs was a lightning strike that destroyed electrical system equipment. 

Lawn care – Daryl Swanson reported there may be one additional leaf pickup after Thanksgiving. The contract calls for all work to be done prior to Thanksgiving, however, the late fall has caused trees to hold their leaves much longer than normal. Lawns are going into the winter in excellent condition. Cleaning the ditch liner will also take place during the fall dependent on weather conditions. 

Snow removal – There was a motion by Dayle Williamson and a second by Daryl Swanson to ratify the action taken by electronic means to approve the snow removal contract for 2015-16 snow season. Motion carried. Vance Stohl Grading Inc. was accepted as the contractor. The following information will be on the website to inform Townhome owners of the snow removal policy: 

The Edenton Homeowners’ Association, Inc. provides snow removal with the services of a contractor for all Townhomes. Snow is removed from private drives, public walks and private walks to the front door. Snow is not removed from patios. Snow is also removed from the private Thies Cove Drive. 

The contractor agreement states that snowfall above two inches will be removed, however, when accumulation is below two inches and drifting occurs, the snow will be removed. The contractor is not responsible for hidden objects that may be covered by snow and are not clearly marked. Residents assume the responsibility to remove items like door mats, extension cords for holiday lighting, and lawn ornaments from areas where snow removal will take place. Damage to items other than covered items should be reported within 12 hours after the damage occurred to Board Member Dayle Williamson. 

If hazardous and icy conditions exist, prompt action will be taken. While it is customary to be impatient for any delay in snow removal, it is also customary to delay removal until the major portion of the storm has passed. The contract does not include “call-backs” when city streets are cleared after the drives have been cleared resulting in snow at the end of the drive. Please contact Dayle Williamson or any member of the board if there is an issue with the snow removal service. 

Treasurer appointment – Our highly capable and efficient and long serving Treasurer Sharron Goings notified the board that she plans to retire from the Treasurer position on December 31, 2015. The position is a non-voting position, a paid position and selected from someone not living in the Edenton Homeowners Association, Inc. area of jurisdiction. During the month, board members Cynthia Didion and Jenny Tricker conducted an interview and recommended Angie J. Paul Unruh for the position. There was motion by Jenny Tricker and a second by Cynthia Didion to approve the appointment of Angie Unruh for Treasurer effective January 1, 2016. Motion carried. Angie has an excellent professional background including many volunteer leadership positions and will carry on the excellence in financial management the Association has experienced in the past. Our sincere thanks to Sharron for her outstanding service and we welcome Angie as a new team member. 

Thies Cove Drive Improvement – Dayle Williamson reviewed a Memorandum for Record of the special meeting held with owners of record of Thies Cove Townhomes on October 26, 2015. The purpose of the meeting was to explain the proposed street improvement plan, provide a cost-estimate of the improvements for owners of record and determine if there was support to move forward with the project. While there was agreement on the need for street improvements, the owners felt there were too many unanswered questions to move forward with the proposal. Upon review, the Edenton Board directed the following: 

 Provide the Memorandum for Record of the Special Meeting to owners of record 

 Expand the committee as suggested at the meeting 

 Advise the owners of record that funding must be provided “up front” prior to letting a construction contract 

 Consider a special assessment over a 5 to 10 year period for street improvement 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. The December 21, 2015 board meeting will be held at the Bev Morton residence. 

(Board minutes are approved at the next monthly meeting and changes and corrections will be noted in those minutes) 

Dayle Williamson, Secretary 

Edenton Board Members: 

President: Deloyd Larsen 402-483-6767 Richard Dam 402-489-3855 

Vice President: Robert Sittig 402-489-9463 Bev Morton 402-484-7142 

Secretary: Dayle Williamson 402-488-5590 Daryl Swanson 402-486-1827 

Treasurer: Sharron Goings 402-483-1276 Cynthia Didion 402-261-8085 

John Cederberg 402-488-9070 Jenny Tricker 402-421-2902 


P.O. BOX 6653 

LINCOLN, NE 68506-0653