Board Meeting – The Board held the monthly meeting on October 19, 2015 at the Daryl Swanson residence. Chairman Larsen called the meeting to order at 7:08 P.M. Board members in attendance, DeLoyd Larsen, Dayle Williamson, Sharron Goings, John Cederberg, Bev Morton, Dick Dam and Daryl Swanson. Bob Sitting, Jenny Tricker and Cynthia Didion could not attend. Others attending, Donald Bossung, (developing the web site), and Thies Cove street repair committee members Terry Monk, Rachel Miller, Patricia Osborn and Janet Wendland. Karen Delong is also a committee member but could not attend the meeting. 

Minutes: The minutes of the September 21, 2015 Board meeting were reviewed. There was a motion by John Cederberg and second by Bev Morton to approve the September board minutes as circulated. Motion carried. (Minutes are also posted on the web site) 

Thies Cove Drive repair: A special meeting will be held at East Lincoln Christian Church on Monday evening October 26, 2015 for all Thies Cove townhome owners. The purpose of the meeting – discussion of the plans recommended by the committee of Thies Cove residents for the private street repair. Residents will be asked to vote on the repair plan with a secret ballot that will be due one week after the meeting. Approval of the plan will require a two-thirds vote. 

Treasurer’s report – Annual Account – September regular expenditures were $5,009.98. The increase in monthly expenditures came as a result of costs for tree removal for $3,758.00. An additional amount of $5,000.00 was utilized for the down payment of the wooden fence capital improvement adjacent to Old Cheney. 

Townhouse Account – Expenditures for September were $5,076.27 with total expenditures for the year at $58,076.33. Seventy percent of the budget has been expended. There was a motion by John Cederberg and a second by Daryl Swanson to approve the September Treasurer’s report. Motion carried. 

Bills received prior to the October meeting amounted to $11,479.38. The townhouse bills were $4,273.80 and the annual account bills were $7,205.58. The large annual account bill included $5,915.00 for trees and planting adjacent to Old Cheney. The Association received a 50-50 cost sharing grant from the Lower Platte South NRD and reimbursement for a share of this capital improvement will be received. There was a motion by Daryl Swanson and a second by John Cederberg to authorize payment of the bills. Motion carried. 

Information via e-mail – The Association goal is to share information with residents while only mailing to those that do not have computer access. At this point, the bulk mailing permit has been dropped and mailing is completed by first class postage. There has been an excellent boost in e-mail addresses since the incentive was offered at the annual meeting. However, if you are still receiving this letter by regular mail and have not shared your e-mail with Treasurer Goings at, please do so soon. We are planning to make a number of individual contacts if we have not heard from you! Please take a look at the website .Meeting minutes are posted on the site for your convenience. Townhouse resident Donald Bossung has developed the site for us and we are most appreciative. 

Hospitality – Hospitality members Bev Morton, Bob Sittig and Jenny Tricker take the opportunity to call on new residents in the neighborhood soon after arrival. Much of the printed information they provide to new residents is now on the website at .Our board members look forward to meeting new residents and answering questions you may have. Welcome to the Edenton Homeowners’ Association Inc. 

Commons area – A considerable amount of tree removal and trimming remains to be completed this fall. It is the intent to have the work done during November. As noted above, twenty-eight trees were planted adjacent to Old Cheney Road in early October. The trees were provided and planted by Plains Tree Farm, Inc. We greatly appreciated the planting assistance provided by board members and resident Terry Monk. Terry even brought his Arizona brother-in-law along and had him provide a great helping hand for the day. Fence construction should also be completed on the 600 foot area of the Commons prior to the November board meeting. 

Irrigation system – The irrigation system will be drained in the coming weeks to prepare for winter. Several repairs were necessary during the month. 

Lawn care – Daryl Swanson reported that lawns will be going into the winter season in excellent condition. Leaf pickup will be the major task during the next several weeks. 

Halloween! Please be careful – remember all of the children that will be out in the neighborhood. 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. The November 16, 2015 board meeting will be held at the Daryl Swanson residence. 

Dayle Williamson, Secretary 

Edenton Board Members: 

President: Deloyd Larsen 402-483-6767 Richard Dam 402-489-3855 

Vice President: Robert Sittig 402-489-9463 Bev Morton 402-484-7142 

Secretary: Dayle Williamson 402-488-5590 Daryl Swanson 402-486-1827 

Treasurer: Sharron Goings 402-483-1276 Cynthia Didion 402-261-8085 

John Cederberg 402-488-9070 Jenny Tricker 402-421-2902 


P.O. BOX 6653 

LINCOLN, NE 68506-0653