Minutes, June 15, 2015 

Chairman Larsen called the board meeting to order at 9:00 P.M. upon on conclusion of the Edenton Homeowners Association Inc. Annual Meeting held at the East Lincoln Christian Church. The minutes of the May 18, 2015 were reviewed and there was a motion by Bev Morton and a second by Dayle Williamson to approve the minutes as circulated. Motion carried. 

Treasurer Goings reviewed the Annual Account and Townhouse expenditures for May 2015. Annual account expenditures were $1,415.82 with 34% of the budget expended to date. Town House expenditures were $4,229.84 for the month of May with 40% percent of the budget utilized. There was a motion by Dick Dam and a second by Cynthia Didion to approve the Treasurers report. Motion carried. 

The bills received prior to the June meeting were reviewed. Annual account bills were $1,198.47 and Townhouse bills were $10,091.35. A bill from Judson Irrigation for $4,982.78 was reflected in the large Townhouse bill. There was a motion by Cynthia Didion and a second by Bev Morton to approve the bills presented. Motion carried. 

Bev Morton discussed the 4th of July Children’s Parade and noted residents of Edenton North will possibly participate. Their board meets on June 28th and will make a decision at that time. Ordering 5 yard signs that can be used each year to advertise the parade was discussed. The signs would cost $33.28 each with the total of $178.06 for 5 signs plus sales tax. The Board agreed to proceed with the purchase and noted the parade provides an excellent public relations event for the Association as well as an opportunity to meet other residents in the area. 

There was a brief discussion on hospitality calls and home sales. Homes are selling very rapidly and a seller’s market continues. 

DeLoyd Larsen will host the July 20, 2015 meeting. 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:41 P.M. 

Note: The Annual meeting proceedings were circulated to all residents in the June Newsletter. The minutes of the June Board meeting were not included.